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Goodies galore from Pamper Parcels is just what the doctor ordered

Goodies galore from Pamper Parcels is just what the doctor ordered

The last week or so has been tough here. From the highs of Little Man’s jungle party to the lows of his chest infection and an afternoon spent at the hospital, checking his oxygen levels, I feel like I’ve been on an emotional roller-coaster.

To top it all Curly Girl woke up last Saturday morning and puked every thirty minutes until I finally called it quits on the whole sleeping thing and dragged myself out of bed at 5.30. We were supposed to be going to the school ball that evening but it looked like I’d be turning up with luggage if the bags under my eyes were anything to go by.

Getting ready for the ball

Thankfully Nana arrived so I could run off to get my hair and eyebrows whipped into shape and as I lay back having my hair washed (isn’t that the most magical feeling in the world, really?) I realised just how exhausted I was. I needed that little bit of time to myself to recharge my batteries, to come back renewed, refreshed and ready to tackle whatever family life had to throw at me next.

So when I got home I opened this:

Pamper Parcel box

Pamper parcel

Inside my Pamper Parcel

It had arrived the week before but to be honest with everything that’s been going on I just haven’t had the time to explore it properly. It’s a fabulous box of goodies from Pamper Parcels, the company set up by fellow blogger and all round lovely lady Rosie who I’ve known ‘virtually’ for ages. I remember when she started Pamper Parcels, and I was so excited for her – it’s an amazing thing to strike out on your own and create something that brings happiness to others and I just love the story behind the company.

“I started working on the business last year while commuting regularly to London. Trying to juggle work, parenting and life generally, I quickly realised how essential it is to take a break from it all once in a while to enjoy a little me-time and recharge. Otherwise, as I quickly discovered, it all becomes exhausting. Then everything suffers.

So the idea came to create gorgeous boxes filled with pampering products that help us to relax and look after ourselves a little more. I’ve decided to only include items in the boxes that give something back in some way. The products are a mixture of natural, organic and fair trade, plus products produced by other small businesses. That way the brand supports the environment, workers in developing countries and fellow business owners. The idea is to improve the quality of our lives while giving something back.”

Rosie from Pamper Parcels

What’s not to love about that? Let’s take a little peak inside…

Pamper Parcel note


I couldn’t believe my eyes – the box was choc full of goodies to pamper both my body and my tummy! And it was all so beautifully packaged with little seasonal touches that couldn’t fail to make anyone smile. How cute is this penguin?

Lovely packaging inside my Pamper Parcel

Lovely Pamper Parcel packaging

Body pampering

I completely love the body products and my favourite is definitely the Spa Day Enrichment Hand Cream. My hands are in and out of water all day long and are sorely neglected and dry. This cream is like a holiday for my hands and I now put it on religiously every night before I go to sleep. It smells yummy too.

Talking of yummy look at all the delicious chocolate here! I might have scoffed one of the mustaches all by myself…. *shhhh*

My goodies from Pamper Parcels

Chocolate buttons from CocoLoco

I can’t recommend Pamper Parcels enough – there is really nothing better than having a box of delicious goodies arrive on your doorstep that are entirely about pampering YOU. Seriously, how often does that happen? You can find out more at the Pamper Parcels website – and here’s an idea; why not order yourself a little something ‘from Santa’ this year?

And before I leave you to get back to my goodies let me just show you this… it’s such a lovely idea and I most certainly did pass it on.

Pass it on with Pamper Parcels

What of my sick little ones? Little Man is almost back to his usual mischievous self – albeit it very clingy at the moment – and it turns out that what Curly Girl had was a short, sharp stomach bug. It didn’t last long thankfully, but it was highly contagious and the husband came down with it on Sunday night, followed shortly by Nana on Monday and Grandad on Tuesday – eek! Family life, sometimes terrific, sometimes toxic. Either way a spot of pampering is just what the doctor ordered.

What do you do to recharge your batteries?

Linking up with The Black & White Photography Project at Podcast


  1. What an amazing box of goodies!! Such a lovely treat! x
    Sonia recently posted…Bring in the New…

    • It really was Sonia… add it to your Christmas list! :)

    • You’re welcome – thanks for hosting it! :)

  2. Your post just oozes indulgence! The photos are gorgeous and I like the fact that lots of things are individually wrapped so the sense of indulgence and ME time can go on and on and on…until one of the Little Ones screams for your attention!
    Love it and I’m popping over to the website right now!
    PS: Yes, having my hair washed at the hairdressers is just!!

    • I’m SO glad you’re with my on having hair washed… I LOVE IT :)

  3. What a gorgeous selection to open. A perfect gift to someone special. Popping by from Tried & Tested
    Coombemill recently posted…A New Coupe for Coombe Mill

    • Thanks Fiona, it really was and you’re right it would make a super gift.

    • Thanks Kate and yes everyone is healthy at the moment! *touches wood*

  4. I hope you are all feeling better now and what a lovely surprise to come home to x
    Cathy Glynn recently posted…Black and White Week 21

    • It really was Cathy! Thanks for commenting x

    • It really was lovely too – thoroughly recommend it Sara! :)

  5. It’s always nice to pamper yourself once in a while. Chocolate is always a welcome pause in the day.
    bettyl – NZ recently posted…

    • Mmmmm…. I certainly did! Thanks for your lovely words Maria x

  6. Love this so much darling and so glad little ones are on the mend. I adored the thoughtful and oh-so kind Pamper Box you sent me for my birthday, such luxurious gifts and the caramel salted popcorn was scoffed in seconds by my little ones and I. Such a great concept. I had 2 days off last week to recharge and just chill with Alexander and today I should be working but am lazing around. I work so much better by night anyway! I’ve just blogged about being kinder to myself, seems we are all on the same (blog) page at the moment, loved this xx
    Honest Mum recently posted…5 Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself

    • Oh I’m so glad you liked it honey, I love sending things like this to friends – the gift of some ‘me time’ is one of the best to receive I think! And good for you for making the space to recharge – we all need to do that from time to time x

  7. I’m not big on chocolate, but the idea sounds lovely. And the hand cream as well – mine are crying out for help…
    It’s a wonderful business idea which supports others along the way.
    Hope your little (and extended) family feels better soon xx
    Joanna recently posted…Lush – My First Giveaway!

    • Thanks Joanna the littles seem to be ok now, although the husband and I have now both caught colds! Such is family life eh? Thankfully I had a lovely Pamper Parcel to make me feel better and I totally love the handcream!



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