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Posted by on Apr 29, 2011 in Uncategorized | 17 comments

Reasons to be cheerful – Royal Wedding Special

1. Today, along with about a third of the population of our entire planet, I watched as Prince William married Kate Middleton in a tree lined Westminster Abbey and they became The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge. The unmistakable happiness in both their faces was such a wonderful reason to be cheerful. And yes, I whelled up. I’m not ashamed to admit it.

2. They drove themselves from Buck House to Clarence House in Prince Charles’ Aston Martin. Number plate? Just Wed. Streamers and balloons and an ‘L’ plate? Yep. Just like any other newly wedded couple. Good for them.

3. When I was a child there was a Silver Jubilee street party outside our house. We dressed up in our best togs and ate celebratory cake with our neighbours. Some 500,000 people were expected to attend street parties in honour of the happy couple today and it makes me come over all patriotic thinking about it. S’funny but being away from home has made me realise how proud I am of how we do these national occasions. And instead of Brit Bashing like so many seem to be doing I’m going to stick my neck out and say that today I’m proud to be British. Good for us for having a jolly good knees up and celebrating the joining of a young couple so clearly in love.

What did you do to celebrate the Royal Wedding? Do you have other reasons to be cheerful or grateful this week? Jot ‘em down and pop over to or . and let’s celebrate together.

Photo credits: all photos courtesy of The best coverage of the wedding by miles.

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  • Michelle Twin Mum

    Perfect! I was just commenting today abotu how sad it is that we seem to have lost any kind of pride in Britain.

    Mich x

  • KylieM Designs

    I totally loved watching the wedding as well, weren’t they the picture of happiness!

  • Gill

    i did watch it – thought it was quite nice. Not too bothered with the intense constant media coverage we are getting this morning in Oz though! But I did think they looked very happy, which was sweet and like the rest of the world, I loved her dress. So pretty

    Gill xo

  • Maxabella

    I didn’t see the Aston Martin bit… that really adds to the whole experience for me. I was worried that there wasn’t enough of ‘them’ in their wedding, but they have proved me wrong. And, train aside, Kate’s dress would have been perfect at even an intimate wedding. x

  • Mari Sterling Wilbur

    Yes, they looked so incredibly happy and so sweet. I loved her classic gown. William looked so dashing and the Aston Martin was the perfect touch. The Royals do it up right.

  • Naturally Carol

    I loved watching the wedding..I think I enjoyed it more than all the ones I’ve seen so far! You have every right to be a proud Brit.

  • Little Grandma

    I did watch it. They looked genuinely happy, definately a reason to be cheerful

  • Marita

    They looked so happy, made me wish a little bit to be young and newly wed again. :)

  • Guest

    It really was an amazing event to watch, and it will be great to have been part of something that will go down in the history books.

    Lovely post!

  • Jen is Always Sick

    It’s strangely bizarre this time around to see a couple that’s my age tying the knot in the royal family. I also see it differently now, as an adult, than I did when Di and Charles were married. As a kid, it was like a fairy tale come alive, but as an adult, it’s two people who are in love and will share their lives with the entire world. With so much that is wrong with the world, it is nice for an entire country, and an entire world, to come together to celebrate the love and devotion of a single couple starting their lives out together. I look forward to seeing that first beautiful baby picture.

  • Herding Cats

    I didn’t get to watch as much of it as I would have liked due to there being a battle between the wedding and Cbeebies.

    However I did manage to catch to highlights with my husband when he go in from work. A very proud day!

  • Mother Badger

    I have to admit that I didn’t watch the wedding, but I did look at the highlights and a few other bits and bobs online. They do seem to have struck a balance between the public and traditional and the modern and fun, such as the balloons on the car and a good portion of the guest list being friends and family. I wish them all the best.

  • bod for tea

    Why thank you. I DID feel genuinely proud to be British that day. It’s not always the case…

  • bod for tea

    Ha ha – me too! Thanks for popping by Marita *waves*

  • bod for tea

    I SO agree with you. And I have a mug and plate as a souvie to remind me. (OMG can’t believe I just wrote that *blush*)

  • Caroline

    Oh, it really was lovely, wasn’t it? I loved every minute.

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