Reasons to be cheerful
Here’s my reasons to be cheerful this week…
1. New windows. Did I mention this last week? *Goes back to check* Opps, yes I did. Well consider this an update. Most of the windows are now in and the house looks bright and sparkly. It’s not until you make a change like this that you realise how much darker your house was before.
2. New windows II. Sorry, another one about the windows. Last one, promise. Today I am very cheerful that all the noisy work is done so that DD can nap upstairs in her room rather than me having to push her for 4 miles around the village in her pushchair for an hour and a half. Normally that would be good exercise, and I have enjoyed the beautiful, crisp, cold, sunny afternoons, but with a chest infection? Not so much.
3. Wrapping things up. And to finish off (see what I did there? *smug*) this morning I wrapped my first Christmas present. I hope that when it’s opened the contents is greeted by a smile from ear to ear. But I won’t be there to see it because that child? She’s not mine. This morning I wrapped a shoebox full of goodies for a little girl somewhere in the world who doesn’t have the privileges that DD has. I urge you to do the same. Operation Christmas Child. It’s what Christmas is really all about.
4. Mum’s gone to Iceland. This week I had a bit of a coup and managed to get my first blogger from Iceland to share their perspective on parenting for my series. She wrote such a fab piece with two lovely photos.
Have you had a cheerful week? Or can you think of at least three things to be cheerful about (go on, I bet you can). Pop ‘em down and link up over at Mummy from the Heart’s linky.
Image: Idea go /