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Posted in Reviews/Giveaways | 0 comments

And the Hotpants giveaway winner is….

And the winner of the Hotpants giveaway is… (rather muted drumroll as DD is still asleep) Minty aka Waterbirthplease Congratulations! Your Hotpants will be...

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Posted in Life | 2 comments

Dear So and So…

Dear Bin Men, Thanks muchly for emptying our bins every week, love your work and everything, but any chance you could put the bins back in the general vicinity of where...

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Posted in Parenting | 19 comments

Lessons I’ve learned from my parents

We’ve seen a lot of my parents since we arrived back in the UK a few weeks ago and so this week’s Listography from the lovely Kate Takes 5 –...

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Posted in Uncategorized | 26 comments

Silent Sunday


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