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Posted by on Feb 21, 2011 in Life | 4 comments

Dear So and So…

A celebratory muffin for my lovely followers

Dear Bronchitis,

Thank you for responding well to DD’s antibiotics. Normal service has been resumed, as evidenced by the fact that she didn’t want to take part in any of the games at Gymboree today and just wanted to climb everything in sight instead. Now, if you could just leave my lungs alone too and find somewhere else to live I’d be even more grateful.

Still coughing and blowing my nose after what seems like four months but is probably only three weeks.
Dear Yoga,

I love you! Sorry I don’t do you as much as I should, and that I sometimes breathe through  my mouth when I know I should breathe through my nose. You make me feel wonderful nevertheless.

A bit less stiff every day
Dear CNN,

Can you stop showing the same programmes every day and get to the interview with Stephen Fry on Talk Asia please? Thanks muchly.

Bored of the same ‘ol same ‘ol
Dear Blog and Twitter followers,

I can’t believe there’s so many of you lovely lot! Thank you for helping me get to 50 blog followers and 100 Twitter followers! You’re all fabulous and I’d buy you all a celebratory muffin if I could.

Feeling rather chuffed.

Photo credit: Blueberry muffin by Paul at

  • Kerry

    Oh I hope you all feel better soon, we have the dreaded tonsillitis in this house, horrible isn’t it xxx

  • Windmilltales

    Hello From BMB! I love this Dear so and so thing have read a few hope to do one myself soon

  • bod for tea

    Thanks Kerry, it is horrible. Who knew our bodies could produce so much gunk??

  • bod for tea

    Hello! *waves* Join in! It’s very therapeutic :D