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Posted by on Nov 6, 2012 in Reviews/Giveaways | 9 comments

Bumplog – 7 days and counting

Dear blog,

I’ve been neglecting you this past week and I’m sorry. Half term got in the way a bit if truth be told and I struggle to post when Curly Girl’s about.

But I do have another excuse too.

You see in seven days time everything changes. Everything and nothing.

We’ll no longer be a family of three, but a family of four.

Curly Girl will no longer be an only child, but an older sister.

I’ll no longer be pregnant, but a Mother of two.

After the chaos of our first c-section, we were hoping SO hard for a natural birth this time around but Peanut is stubbornly breech still so next Tuesday we’ll be driving to the hospital for another c-section. Am I disappointed? Yes, of course. I even shed a tear or two when the booking was first made *sniff* but I’m philosophical about it now and to be honest a happy, healthy baby is all that matters (that and shifting some weight off my poor rib muscles which are seriously painful after a month-long cough and cold virus!).

The longer recovery period is a pain but at least we’re at home this time, with family and friends around us, and that is something I’m so grateful for.

Plus I’ve got loads of fab product reviews lined up for Peanut’s arrival, thanks to some lovely brands that I’m delighted to be working with. So there will be lots to keep you busy very soon. Just be a little patient with me for the next couple of weeks, ok?

Thanks muchly,

Me x

Image courtesy of digitalart /

  • Older Mum

    Wow. Wow. Wow. Really sorry to hear that you aren’t getting the birth you wished for BUT very happy to hear that your little bundle of joy – peanut – is healthy and will be joining your family next week. How exciting! X

  • bod for tea

    Thanks Mrs, time has certainly flown by this time! Can’t wait to meet him now :-)

  • SAHMlovingit

    Yay! I’ve come back and disqus is working now. So sorry you haven’t been able to try for a VBAC this time. As you know, I’m very pro c-sections as they’ve both worked for me and I’m sure it will be a great experience. Make sure you have the arnica tablets from Boots and take them religiously! They are brilliant at healing. A c-section belt is great too (Mothercare sell them) – especially with Curly Girl wanting mummy attention as well as the LO. These are my two MUST haves for a very speedy recovery. I only spent one night in hospital after my 2nd section. Good luck with everything and I’ll be keeping a close watch on Twitter for the big announcement on the new arrival. Thinking of you xx

  • bod for tea

    Thank you so much for all this wonderful advice! I’m actually feeling quite positive about it all now. Just looking forward to meeting our little Peanut! xxx

  • bod for tea

    Thanks lovely lady :-)

  • Mummy Plum

    How exciting. Good luck with the birth x

  • bod for tea

    Thanks Mr!

  • Daddacool

    Good luck, hope it goes well for you!

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