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Posted by on Jun 21, 2012 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

#BritMumsGetFit Challenge Update

Back in February I set up the  with the aim of using the workouts getting fitter, trimmer and more toned before Brit Mums Live on 22 June. I was, frankly, quite surprised at the response to the challenge and we quickly grew to a group of twenty like-minded masochists bloggers.

I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who’s been involved in the challenge and also to Brit Mums for promoting it *smooch*. For those lucky peeps who are attending the first session on Friday, today is the last workout of the challenge.  I’ll be going on Saturday so I could theoretically squeeze in another session before I go but the one fly in that ointment is the rather large bump that has appeared in front of me. But never fear, I haven’t let that stop me keeping active.

Fionnuala McAuliffe, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at University College Dublin said in an interview with The Independent last year -

“There are significant benefits to mild and moderate exercise while pregnant. Regular exercise during pregnancy helps better prepare women for labour and delivery, and may also offer long-term benefits for the baby. Moderate exercise during pregnancy helps reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes, less gestational weight gain and less somatic complaints including insomnia and low mood.”

Quite so. I was so scared during our first pregnancy that I didn’t do any exercise other than the odd yoga session. I gained three stone and it showed.

I’d been using the site for a few months before I found out we were, by some miracle I might add, pregnant with Peanut so I considered myself fairly fit. I finally saw my shape starting to change and I liked it. A lot. However, a lot of the exercises in the workouts are not suitable for pregnancy so I needed some modifications. I spoke to a Pilates teacher friend who showed me exercises that I can which are safe and keep me flexible. I bought a pilates ball and a copy of by Caroline Anthony. That combined with walking and stationary cycling is, I hope, keeping my fitness ticking over until such time as I’m able (and willing) to start Bodyrocking again.

So it’s au revoir to the #BritMumsGetFit Challenge and from me for now, but definitely not goodbye. Like Arnie says, I’ll be back.

Image: photostock /
Independent interview reference

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  • Honest Mum

    Lots of my friends adored pilates in pregnancy. I try and swim sometimes and love walks with the toddler x

  • Sarah Cook

    I was going to do exercise when I was pregnant with Sam, but the midwife pointed out that I was walking to work, and then teaching 6 and 7 year olds all day, so I was getting plenty of exercise! And losing weight. (I pointed out that I wasn’t having 8 pints a week and 3 pies at the foorball!) Of course, I should have *started* doing some exercise after he was born and I wouldn’t have hit size 16 in quite the manner I did! It’s all better-ish now though!