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I ♥ Me Monday – I’m wonderful…really?

Oh lord. This week’s I ♥ Me Monday from Notes to self plus two requires us to celebrate something wonderful about ourselves. Hmmm… something...

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Dear So and So…

  Was pursuing the fab blog that is Stay At Home Mum Loving It and came across this great idea, originally from a new find for me 3 bedroom...

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Sunday Sayings

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”  Dr Seuss  Photo credit:...

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Posted in Life, Travel | 11 comments

Reasons to be cheerful: 1, 2, 3

Quite a lot to be cheerful about this week, so thanks again to Michelle at Mummy from the heart for this regular shout out to all things happy and sparkly. 1. On...

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