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Posted in Life | 6 comments

I’m embarrassed to ask… #BiBs2014

I’m embarrassed to ask… #BiBs2014

Using photographs and images to illustrate my posts has always been important to me but blow me down with a feather – I’ve been  in the PHOTO category of the Brit Mums Brilliance in Blogging awards 2014!

First of all I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that voted for my little corner of the blogosphere – I’m thrilled, surprised and oh so delighted to be joining a veritable banquet of talented bloggers who have been nominated this year.

Good luck to all my fellow nominees – A Party of SevenCapture by LucyCircle of Pine TreesEast of Malaga, Lady Neils, Lavender and LovageMammasaurusMemoir modePOD CastShutterfliesSimply RubyStart Up WifeSorry About the MessThe Boy and MeThe Intrepid Misadventurer – you’re all amazing and I’m proud to be shortlisted alongside you.

Finally, I’m embarrassed to have to ask this… but if you like Bod for tea and the photos that you see here on my blog please could you pop over and vote for me? Thank you!


  1. Thank yoooooo! And best of luck to you my dear – you have my vote x

  2. Congratulations lovely – so well deserved; I have fingers and toes crossed for you. X

  3. You’re so welcome! And yes it’s a HUGE shock :) Best of luck to you too x

  4. Way to go lovely xx

  5. Awww thanks for the mention…its such a shock isn’t it? Best of luck x


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Awards for Bod for tea


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