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Posted by on Sep 3, 2013 in Uncategorized | 5 comments

First day at school

I stand back and take one long look;

She stands resplendent, all maroon and gold.
One sock has already started its slow, inevitable journey downwards.
She’s unsure, unsteady, excited.
She’s ready to go.
I blink once and see a baby gazing up at me.
I blink again and she is waiting for me by the door, rucksack on.
I dare not close my eyes again.

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  • Kim Carberry

    Aww!! :(
    Hope she has a fab time at school x

  • bod for tea

    Thank you – so do I – should know in about 90 minutes time! :)

  • Mummy Plum

    Lovely post. Good luck to Curly Girl this week. xx

  • bod for tea

    Thanks lovely lady! x

  • Ben

    Just catching up on reading after hols, seeing Matilda go from toddler to little girl I can only imagine what this moment must be like. Hope the first few weeks have gone smoothly.