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Posted in Reviews/Giveaways | 0 comments

And the Babyweight giveaway winner is….

*Fanfare* *Drumroll* *Balloon release* And the winner of the Babyweight giveaway is…… Miranda L  CONGRATULATIONS! Miranda wins a copy of the fab Baby...

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Posted in Uncategorized | 2 comments

Quotes of the week

I love quotes, especially the quips that make me smile wryly and nod in agreement. So in a more or less weekly spot (see I even made a new badge *points up*),...

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Posted in Parenting | 11 comments

Feeling empty before World Breastfeeding Week

We took Little Man to be weighed today. At 36 weeks he weighed in at a healthy 18.9lbs *swells with pride*. Clearly we’re doing something right. But I still left...

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