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Posted in Life | 7 comments

Dear baby, I am sorry

Dear baby, I am sorry

­ Dear Little Man I’ve loved every minute of the six and a half months that we’ve been breastfeeding. There is nothing so special as looking down into your...

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Posted in Uncategorized | 23 comments

Silent Sunday


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Donde esta Bod for tea hoy?

Where am I today?  Today I’m guest posting over at my new second home – the Rosetta Stone blog #milestones – where I’ll be recording my...

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Posted in Reviews/Giveaways | 0 comments

Exciting things are happening over here *points*

Sally was so excited she had to… errr… cut her hair It’s no good, I can’t hold it in any longer – there are some VERY exciting things...

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Posted in Life | 5 comments

Silent Sunday


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