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CLOSED FOR ‘life’ MAINTENANCE There’s going to be a bit of a blogging hiatus at Bod for tea. The move has finally taken over and I need to...

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Reasons to be cheerful and oh so grateful

Blogging’s taken a back seat to the move recently. No apologies. No excuses. No time! But I made myself find the time this week to express some heartfelt...

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Posted in Life | 5 comments

What do you do when all your toys are packed in boxes?

You play with the one your Mummy made you. Complete with cardboard Maisy, Panda and Eddie Elephant cardboard figures. Who needs Fisher...

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Posted in Uncategorized | 3 comments

Sunday Sayings

The plum rains have started here in China and it’s likely to rain everyday until we leave. No more play dates in the park then. On the plus side there’s...

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