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Posted in Life | 4 comments

Pass it on – Children in need

The lovely Carole at Carole Finds Her Wings has tagged me. ‘If you only take part in one blog meme this year – let this be it’ she wrote. Must be...

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Sunday Sayings

We took Nana to the airport this morning to fly back home. I drew a picture yesterday of our apartment here, Nana’s house back in the UK and an aeroplane in the...

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Posted in Uncategorized | 12 comments

To eat or not to eat? That is the question.

I never forget to go to the supermarket. Rain or shine, there is always fresh food in the house. But DD doesn’t seem to think so. As far as she’s concerned...

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Posted in Life | 3 comments

This is One Lovely Blog

The uber talented photographer Mari over at Maris Camera has kindly choosen me for the One Lovely Blog award. I’m not really one for these types of memes but...

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Posted in Life | 13 comments

I’m addicted – are you?

Ok, I know it’s ridiculous. DD is almost two years old so a) I should be over this by now and b) I’m surely not going to need one much longer, but I...

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