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Posted in Travel | 4 comments


It had rained the whole of that morning, big heavy raindrops clattering off our chalet’s tiled roof, a metal air vent clanging like a bell. Then suddenly, at five...

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Posted in Travel | 29 comments

This is me – I’m out and I’m proud

Following last week’s Brit Mums Meet Up in Cambridge (thanks !) and with Brit Mums Live! only weeks away my thoughts are turning yet again to coming out...

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Posted in Parenting, Travel | 3 comments

Bumplog: Early morning thoughts

I drink half a glass or orange juice to lubricate my parched throat and Peanut joyfully bounces around, revelling in the sugar rush. There’s no such jolt of...

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Posted in Travel | 7 comments

Guest post: Child car seats – a quick guide

We’re starting to think about the practicalities of having another child in the house (rather than just the soft and squishy yumminess – yep those pregnancy...

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Posted in Reviews/Giveaways, Travel | 32 comments

Giveaway – portable games for 3-7 year olds from Galt Toys

Last weekend Curly Girl turned three. Wow. Just saying that out loud (which I didn’t by the way, but you get my meaning) makes me feel a bit teary. She was...

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