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Posted in Uncategorized | 3 comments

Quotes of the week

I love quotes, especially the quips that make me smile wryly and nod in agreement or just have a good chuckle. So in a more or less (sometimes a lot less actually)...

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Posted in Reviews/Giveaways | 63 comments

Giveaway – design your own awesome Personal Planner

I‘m in what I think is technically known as a quandary. You see a little while ago I wrote about my new favourite planner that I felt sure was going to...

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Posted in Uncategorized | 3 comments

Quotes of the week

I love quotes, especially the quips that make me smile wryly and nod in agreement. So in a more or less (sometimes a lot less actually) weekly spot, here’s some...

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Posted in Parenting, Travel | 4 comments

Why change the UK’s best selling nappy rash cream?

There are some products that I stock up on because they’re part of special offer (who doesn’t love a BOGOF?) and some just to make sure I always have plenty...

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