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Posted by on Jan 11, 2011 in Uncategorized |

Blogging can be bad for your heart!

A scientist has found that people who surf the web, watch TV or play computer games for more than four hours a day are twice as likely to have major cardiac problems than those who don’t. Eek! There’s nothing I like more than settling down with a warm laptop while DD naps and again at the end of the day, bobbing around the blogosphere for an hour or two. Even exercising regularly won’t save me (not that I do much regular exercise unless you can count pushing DD to the shops or picking her up and putting her down a hundred times a day) as people who do are just as likely to keel over apparently.

The study was done by Dr Emmanuel Stamatakis of University College London’s Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. “Our analysis suggests that two or more hours of screen time each day may place someone at greater risk for a cardiac event” he is quoted as saying in The Telegraph.

If you want to read more about the study, pop over to Scared the daylights out of me, I can tell you. I’m off to run a few laps around the living room…

Photo credit: Heart care by Renjith Krishnan at

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