Friday, 2 May 2014

Moo. No, I'm not a cow. But I do have a discount for you...

In a few short weeks time, thanks to my sponsor Koo-di, I shall be dropping Curly Girl off at school, waving goodbye to Little Man and boarding a train to London for the annual two-day blogging conference Britmums Live. (It's a good job this isn't a video as I'm now squeeeaaling loudly with excitement *ahem*)

My outfit will have been selected with care and attention at John Lewis Cambridge (who by the way are holding fun-packed events at their store this weekend if you're anywhere nearby), my hair coiffured and blow-dried into submission at Silhouette du Barry.

This is not a one-person event - oh no.

Even my business cards have bling this year thanks to the lovely printing robot that is Moo. This year I've gone for a slightly larger card so that I can include all my social media accounts on the back. What do you think?

Are you taking cards to Britmums Live?

There's still plenty of time to get some printed and I'm delighted to say that since I've ordered my cards I can offer all my readers a 10% discount off their own branded Moo cards. So go forth and promote yourself. You're worth it!

P.S. I'm surprised and delighted to have been shortlisted in the PHOTO category of the - if you have a moment I would SO appreciate your vote. Thank you!


I've had some business cards designed by them too - they're fab! X

  • bod for tea3 May 2014 22:13

    I know right? I love the quality of the paper stock they use - great quality
