Friday, 23 May 2014

What's it like to have a personal stylist?

A couple of weeks ago I sat people-watching at Starbucks in Cambridge. These days having half an hour to spare for a relaxing coffee is a bit of a luxury but that whole day felt luxurious because, following my colour analysis session with the lovely personal styling team at John Lewis Cambridge, I was meeting up with them again to choose my outfit for this year's BritMums Live.

A brief stop by the Clarins counter as I headed to my appointment proved more expensive than I'd planned for (although in my defence I did get a 10% discount thanks to a John Lewis promotion) but it added to the frisson of excitement I'd felt all morning. A personal styling session. Wow.

I certainly wasn't styled for last year's BritMums Live - with Little Man in tow it was all about comfort and while I did pick a maxi dress in bright colours it was quite a safe choice as it hid a multitude of sins including my still-there-post-baby-wobble and the lunch I managed to spill on it. This time I'm over 20lb lighter, which I'm SO proud of. It's great, but nothing fits; not so great.

Dorothy and Dolly in the personal styling team asked me to come in with an open mind but I did have a few criteria I wanted the outfit to meet - it had to be comfortable (being on your feet for most of the time at a conference demands it!) but at the same time glamorous enough to go from day to evening as, thanks to my sponsor Koo-di, I'm staying overnight and attending the BiBs awards on Friday - squueeal! I'm so chuffed to have been shortlisted in the photo category this year - I knew I wouldn't make it to the final but can't wait to toast all the lovely winners on the night!

As soon as I walked from the shop floor into the personal styling room I felt special - it's like a walk-in wardrobe from a movie set with a long mirror, wooden shelves of beautiful clothes and accessories and a curtained off area for changing. I immediately fell in love with a totally impractical faux fur shrug and just had to try it on - I was a child in a toy shop all over again.

After a chat about the event Dorothy went out to pick some outfits for me. I had actually chosen a potential outfit the day before with Dolly - navy printed trousers with a simple navy shell top but the trousers were really too big and after my colour analysis I knew that I was a CLASSIC style personality and wanted something a bit less busy.

We started with some simple shapes - you can see me 'before' and in outfits one and two below. (Check out the recently 'blown' hair!) The first jacket felt too workwear and the trousers were a bit too big but I LOVED the cream quilted blazer from Reiss that Dorothy persuaded me to try and the heavy viscose shell top from Whistles; round neck with a contrast under-arm insert panel and a drop back hem, hung beautifully. Totally impractical colour for a Mum of two under-fives of course but they were super comfy, fitted me perfectly and are both very versatile.

Dorothy went out again and picked some alternatives, some dresses which I didn't feel comfortable in (although they looked great) and some alternative tops and trousers. She came back with a pair of Whistles navy cigarette pants that looked a little plain but as soon as I popped them on I knew I had to wear them. They fit me perfectly and were just the right combination of comfortable and stylish - I knew I'd be dressing them up and down for years to come.
LOVE the texture on this ivory Reiss jacket
Dorothy also brought back the orange and navy sleeveless tops that Dolly had picked for me before. The orange was a lovely pop of colour but I'd already fallen in love with the cream jacket and with the navy top underneath I felt like I was going to a wedding.

Then it happened.

Dorothy put me in the ivory Reiss jacket combined with the ivory shell top and navy cigarette pants from Whistles. I felt comfortable, glamorous and stylish. Add a scarf and navy pumps and we'd found it.

The perfect outfit for BritMums Live.

(Psst... check out my 'model pose' - I almost fell over trying to cross my feet and take the photo at the same time!)

The 60 one hour Style Express or the longer two hour Style Experience session are both complimentary at John Lewis stores. It was a fabulous experience that I'd thoroughly recommend. Find out more and watch a video about the personal styling service at

Disclaimer: I was generously gifted my Style Profile and Style Express consultations by John Lewis Cambridge but I purchased the clothes myself.


I love both pics on the left. The orange top one and the pic above with the beiges. Your hair looks FABULOUS. I met you briefly (after all these years) last year. Will be lovely to see you again. You won't be able to miss me as I will be a Butterfly.
Liska xx

  • Circusmum23 May 2014 14:01

    Amazing! You look fab in all of the outfits, I really love what you chose but hope you go back for the orange vest top as it really suited you.
    I didn't know about the weight loss (where have I been!!??) but well done! I have about triple that to shift but the very thought of the struggle stops me before I start.
    Looking forward to seeing you next month x

  • bod for tea24 May 2014 06:11

    Thank you so much Liska! I must admit I did love that orange top. And it's not until you blow out curls that you realise just how much hair you have :) Will definitely seek you out in June lovely xx

  • bod for tea24 May 2014 06:24

    Awww thank you lovely - I get so many comments in orange :) I haven't blogged that much about the weight loss as it's been slow and steady since Christmas and really just hard work! Perhaps I'll do a post about it... see you soon! *squeeal*

  • Franglaise Mummy24 May 2014 08:13

    I love the orange top! And your model pose is perfection :-) Can't wait to see you looking all fancy in 4 weeks' time xx

  • Donna27 May 2014 10:04

    You look Uh.Maze.Ing in all of he above but really love the outfit of choice... And have total hair envy!!

  • Katy Hill4 June 2014 20:46

    Good choice! Although I always get WAY too hot at The Brewery! Make sure your outfit works without the jacket too! #just-sayin' ;-) x

  • MrsShilts4 June 2014 21:08

    Gosh what a stunning figure you've got! You look gorgeous and the clothes are really nice x

  • bod for tea4 June 2014 21:24

    Good advice! Thankfully it does although I DO love the jacket... ;)

  • Elizabeth4 June 2014 21:28

    Wowee! I love the outfit you've chosen! Best of luck at the Bibs :)

  • bod for tea5 June 2014 05:59

    *Blush* you're so kind!! Thank you honey, can't wait to meet you as a fellow ambassador at Brimumslive :)

  • bod for tea5 June 2014 05:59

    Thank you! Unfortunately I didn't make it through to the finals but I'm SO grateful to have been shortlisted :)

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