Friday, 14 March 2014

Fashion Friday - on almost reaching my pre-baby weight

On the two occasions that I've been pregnant I've gained a significant amount of weight. Not for me the neat little mini-bump, oh no. With Little Main I gained 3.5st (49 lb) - well to be honest I stopped looking at the scales at this point so it could have been more - and we all know that baby is a teeny amount of that gain. I lost a fair amount of it by last Christmas but really wanted to tackle the remaining pounds and get back to my pre-baby weight again.

And I'm pleased to say I'm almost there! Only 2.5lb off my goal weight and this weekend I managed to fit into this pair of size 10 super skinny jeans from Boden. I was so delighted that I had to have a photo to celebrate the occasion.

I love these jeans. They're actually much more comfortable than you'd think as they're very stretchy and soft. The tobacco colour is classic but I also have a pair in Hibiscus which is a fab bright red just perfect for Spring, especially with a blue and white striped Breton top. On this occasion I paired them with a simple light blue shirt (made for me in the fabric market in Shanghai when we were in China) and gold sparkly flats from Next.


Well done. You look fab. How have you done it. I need to loose the baby weight

  • fashion-mommy14 March 2014 11:25

    Super stylish, and well done you. You look fabulous. Popping over from #FashionFriday.

  • HonestMum14 March 2014 11:34

    Well done gorgeous, you are looking beautiful! Baby weight takes time but doing it healthily is the best way-swoon! Thanks for linking up to #fashionfriday

  • Katy Dial14 March 2014 20:10

    Well done for getting so close to your target weight - I bet this time next week you'll actually be there! Your outfit is awesome, love your jeans (love Boden generally!!). xo PS found you via Mummy's Got Style!

  • bod for tea15 March 2014 06:09

    Aww thank you! Will pop over to see you in a mo :)

  • bod for tea15 March 2014 06:42

    Thank you Vicki! You're so right, healthy is the only way and slowly too otherwise I just yo-yo up and down. Might write a post about this...

  • bod for tea15 March 2014 06:43

    Thanks Katy! I love these jeans too and the red ones are fabulous, if a little brighter than I usually wear! Fingers crossed re next week... :D

  • Jane Blackmore15 March 2014 07:04

    Well done you x

  • HonestMum15 March 2014 11:05

    You totally should-just need to work out how to reply as Mummy's Got Style x

  • Fleurani15 March 2014 16:34

    You look fabulous :-) I have never been pregnant yet but heard that is can be a challenge to get rid of all the baby weight.


  • bod for tea15 March 2014 19:40

    Thank you! Not quite there yet but having a whole new wardrobe again makes it all worthwhile :)

  • Misplaced_Brit15 March 2014 22:55

    It really is a FANTASTIC feeling to be able to use 'normal' pre-baby clothes again :-)

  • bod for tea16 March 2014 06:27

    Isn't it just! It's like having a whole new wardrobe without spending any money :D

  • bod for tea16 March 2014 06:28

    Heck yes it is! Well, it was for me. Some women are lucky enough to shed their excess pounds almost overnight it seems but for me it's been a hard slog. But I'm proud that my will power has been strong enough to help me achieve what I set out to. Thank you for visiting!

  • Ben17 March 2014 22:14

    well look at you looking all glamorous! Love your 'diet' description in your other comment, nice and simple as it should be. The maths is simple calories in - calories out. But people do try and complicate with all sorts of exclusions etc.

  • bod for tea18 March 2014 06:52

    Thank yoooo! *Takes a bow* I agree and lots of people have made squillions out of exactly that complication. It's actually a simple equation + will power. It's the second part that's so difficult...
