But about six months ago the unthinkable happened. My precious laptop caught the plague and all the photos and videos I had taken and uploaded from my phone disappeared into a black hole. I hadn't backed them up. *Screeeeaammm!*
When my new laptop arrived I realised that backing up my files was a priority and I bought a hard drive to store everything so that the unthinkable couldn't happen again. It seems pretty robust, even though I have dropped it a couple of times, but I'm trying to be extra cautious with it. Even so, I have to remember to DO the back-ups. So far I've remembered a fair few times but I'm not doing it weekly as I originally planned. What would be better is to back them up on my phone so that I know if the worst happened, the photos I've captured are still available to be uploaded again.
Popping the memory card into the phone was simple enough, although figuring out how to store pictures on it was almost impossible. Thankfully there was a to help me out.
And then I devised four simple tests to see just how indestructible this little memory card is....
Test one: the drop.
Opps, butter fingers. I seemed to have dropped the memory card on the floor.
Let's see how it fared. I pop the micro memory card into the adapter that it came with to allow me to put it into my laptop and view the files. Everything is still there. Hmmm...
Test two: the stomp.
Opps! I seem to have dropped it again and stomped on it. No, not stepped. Stomped. With all my preggy weight.
Check the files again. Yep, still ok.
Test three: the car.
Ok, just imagine I dropped the memory card on our driveway and didn't noticed. And just imagine I got in the car and ran over it. Opps!
No way it can still be ok, right? Wrong. All there. Grrrr....
Right. *Rolls up sleeves* If I can't crush it, I'll drown it. Opps! Dropped in a mug of HOT water. Glug, glug.
I left it to dry for a while on a sheet of kitchen paper, my fingers twitching to test it. In it goes... and yes, you guessed it. All still there!
Wow. Well what can I say? I threw everything I had at this little micro memory card and it passed with flying colours. I have to say I'm impressed. And at only £9.44 from it's well worth the price for the peace of mind that whatever happens to my phone, my photos will be safe and sound.
Top image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net