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Posted by on Mar 10, 2012 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Fussy Eaters Support Club – March 2012

Last week DD had her first afternoon at what we’re calling ‘big nursery’. It’s linked to her current morning nursery but instead of being in a village hall with only 2-3 year olds, it’s at a proper primary school with 2-5 year olds. Big difference. Huuuuge difference. We were told that as she starts at lunchtime she can bring a pack lunch and eat it with the other toddlers.

Now here’s the thing. DD doesn’t do normal packed lunches. She won’t eat sandwiches, she frankly doesn’t want to eat at all unless I’m there reminding her to take another bite and we’re gotten into the habit of watching a DVD while she eats as it keeps her in one place for a period of time and heck, she just eats more food. I KNOW this is not a good habit to get into. But I have an theory. If she can see other children eating and see that it’s normal and fun to eat, she might do the same of her own volition.

It was with some trepidation that I packed a lunch of cheese and bacon with pasta in tomato and basil sauce, a yoghurt, fruit smoothie pouch, banana and some yoghurt raisins that morning. But following  to fussy eating I decided to go with the flow. The set up at nursery was lovely, all the toddlers going for the afternoon sat around two small tables on little chairs and ate their sandwiches out of their pretty lunch boxes. My hopes lifted. Then DD took one look at the room full of toys and headed in the opposite direction to her lunch without even a backward glance. My hopes deflated again.

When I picked her up later that afternoon the teachers were full of apologies that DD hadn’t eaten a single bite of her lunch. They thought it was their fault. But I had a sneaking suspicion that actually, it was mine.

Have your little ones got any bad eating habits? How have you tried to conquer them? Any hints and tips to share since we last got together? Link up and share your stories…

Here’s a reminder what the Fussy Eaters Support Club is all about…

One of the things I love most about blogging is knowing that I’m not alone in the the trials and tribulations of mummyhood. A problem shared is a problem, well not quite halved, but it’s certainly a lot less stressful knowing there are some other rowers in the same boat as you. My current trial du jour is the seemingly never-sending saga of DD’s fussy eating habits. 

I got to thinking that there must be other Mummys and Daddys out there who have the same goal that I do; for DD to eat as much as she wants of what we’re eating as a family, but to at least eat some of it. Perhaps we can support each other? And so the Fussy Eaters Support Club was born. Each month (or so) I’ll post up a linky thingy for anyone with a fussy eater to air their story, share recipes and their tips for what works (and what doesn’t), to celebrate their fussy eater successes or to just have a good old fashioned whinge about it all.

The Fussy Eaters Support Club doors for MARCH are now open!

Image: Stoonn /

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