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Posted by on Oct 29, 2011 in Parenting | 0 comments

Reasons to be cheerful

Reasons to be cheerful: 1, 2, 3…

1. Pink my blog. Yesterday was Wear It Pink day, a fundraising event for the Breast Cancer Campaign encouraging everyone to pay £2 to wear pink for the day, at work, at home, wherever. Bod for tea went pink for the day too and I must say it was rather liberating. To promote the day one of the campaign’s sponsors, Vanish, created the largest bra in the world.  The bra, scaled up from an original 34B, would be a 1360B. Phew! Talk about an upper-decker-flopper-stopper. So this reason to be cheerful is two-fold. First, I’m just grateful that I don’t have to lug two of those enormous boobies around with me. Second, and more seriously, I’m cheerful that people are stepping up to continue to raise money for such an important campaign. As I said on my Wear It Pink post yesterday, ONE IN EIGHT WOMEN WILL BE DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER. Cancer has touched my family and my friends. You can still donate to the cause even though the campaign day has drawn to a close.

2. The Tweetosphere. It never fails to amaze me how one little request that you tweet out into the world can bring about such a flurry of help from people you hardly know. It’s staggering how social media can connect you with so many people so quickly, like six degrees of separation at warp speed. My one little tweet reverberated around the Tweetosphere touching all sorts of people in different countries at the same time before being bounced on like light reflecting on a mirror, tangentially firing off into another sphere on it’s journey through virtual space. Goodness, I’ve come over all Stephen Fry. Anyhoo, you get my point. Thanks to everyone who retweeted my tweet about . Mahoosively cheerful about that.

3. Tests. After almost two months suffering from a chest infection that just won’t bog off and find something else to do, I’ve finally had some tests and a ride through a donut (also know as a CT scan) to see what’s going on. Bit scared about the results which come back next week but I’m channelling Scarlett O’Hara at the mo and thinking about that mañana.

Do you have reasons to be cheerful this week? Pop ‘em down and link ‘em up over at the lovely Mich’s place . While you’re at it make a note of the bloggers who will be guest-hosting for her over the next couple of weeks while she takes a break.